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Submissions Guidelines


     A. Aims and Objectives:

The Arbitration Workshop aims to establish itself as a thought-provoking, groundbreaking Blog aimed at the specific requirements of those involved in International Arbitration. Each post contains in-depth investigations of the most important current issues in international arbitration. The Blog’s worldwide coverage and monthly circulation give it even more immediacy as a forum for original thinking, penetrating analysis and lively discussion of international arbitration issues from around the globe.


   B. Contact Details:

Manuscripts, as well as questions, should be submitted to the Editors at


  C. Submission Guidelines:

  1. The blog publishes monthly and all articles received by the 25th of every month will be considered for publication for the next month. In case of a decision is made to publish the article but enough slots are not available in the following month, the blog will notify the contributor if the same will be published in a later month.

  2. A brief biographical note, including both the current affiliation as well as the email address of the author(s), should be provided in the first footnote of the manuscript.

  3. An article should preferably have not more than 2 authors. Exceptions, however, may be made in certain cases up to a maximum of 3 authors.

  4. We believe in giving the contributors a broad spectrum to showcase their work. Some people express their thoughts in a few words while others like detailed analysis and extensive research. Hence the blog accepts submissions from anywhere between 1000 words to 10000 words. The contributors should be mindful that they devote adequate words based on the topic they chose to discuss.

  5. Only manuscripts in English will be considered for publication.

  6. Manuscripts will be returned to the author(s) if the English is below standard.

  7. Heading levels should be clearly indicated.

  8. Special attention should be paid to quotations, footnotes, and references. The authors are encouraged to follow a uniform citation format. All citations and quotations must be verified before submission of the manuscript. The accuracy of the contribution is the responsibility of the author.

  9. The cases mentioned in the footnote have to also be written in full in the main body of the manuscript. The reason being the blog is published in a manner where all footnotes get converted to endnotes and we would prefer minimal reliance on the endnotes to extent of reference only. Speaking footnotes/endnotes must be avoided.

  10. Submitted manuscripts are understood to be final versions. They must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

  11. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, in Word (.doc or .docx) format, via e-mail.

  12. Review Process:

    1. There is a single peer review for manuscripts by the Editors of the Blog.

    2. After review, manuscripts may be returned to authors with suggestions related to substance and/or style.

    3. The blog at its discretion may also add a footnote at the end of articles that "the views expressed by the author are not endorsed by the website"


 D. Copyright:

  1. The contributors shall submit original unpublished articles for consideration for the Blog. In case they want the blog to consider articles already published before, it will be their responsibility to take adequate permissions once the blog is desirous of republishing the article.

  2. Final approval of the authors will be taken before we publish the articles. Once the authors agree it would tacitly warrant “Consent to Publish and Grant of Exclusive License” and represent that their contribution does not contain infringing, libellous, obscene or other unlawful matter.

  3. Authors are allowed to post their articles on public websites such as SSRN subject to explicit written permission from the Editors.

  4. Authors are free to promote their published article in forums like LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and other similar platforms.

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